

Each Saturday from 2 to 4 pm.

Cine Club

This activity attracts young adults and a lot of non-Christians supported by a media campaign. An open discussion is engaged after the movie.

Outing & Camp

Currently organised to attract non-Christians. Activities are advertised in the secular press and on social media. Young Christians invite friends and relatives and a friendship bond is created during the event.

Prayer Ministry

A monthly prayer meeting and fasting is organized on each 3rd Saturday from 1 to 4 p.m., where devotion, praise and worship hold firm faith of Board Members and young volunteers.

Game & Fellowship

With indoor and outdoor sports facilities, the center is now open on Friday evening from 18h to 20h. Special devotion time is included in the programme.

Sport Ministry

With the completion of our Basket Ball/ Volley Ball pitch, a special sport Ministry is ongoing where interchurch / interclub tournaments are organised with open-day activities to give visibility to YFC with a spirit of inclusiveness.

Club Activities

A regular Sunday Club meeting involves music, open discussion, devotion, performing arts , handicrafts and games which attract youths with a spiritual message geared to their needs.

Social Involvement

On the social aspect, YFC’s involvement in drug prevention programmes enjoys a very good image in terms of responsible actions against drugs, alcohol and cigarettes and other social evils. Non-Christian organizations are invited to share related issues.